Broadcast Stories, Graphic Design, Uncategorized

The Growing Market of Electronic Cigarettes Raises Concerns



Electronic cigarettes are often used as a means to quit smoking, although experts question the legitimacy of e-cigs as tools for smoking cessation.


REPORTER’S NARRATION: The vapor industry was introduced to American markets in 2007. Electronic cigarettes are battery operated smoking tools that turn nicotine, flavored liquids, and other chemicals into aerosol that is then inhaled by the user. The liquids used for smoking can have different levels of nicotine laced in. Many people are using e-cigarettes as a way to quit smoking.

Vape Dynamiks, an e-cigarette shop in Athens, opened seven months ago, and General Manager Vince Woods says that business is good.

SOUNDBITE 1: Vince Woods, General Manager of Vape Dynamiks: “there’s people that come in and out like all day trying to quit smoking cigarettes, and there’s a huge community around it. And it’s almost like, it’s the alcohol anonymous for smokers, basically.

REPORTER’S NARRATION: Experts question whether this method for quitting is effective and safe. Kay Brooks is the director overseeing smoking cessation classes at UGA and believes that there is more research that needs to be done regarding the safety of electronic cigarettes.

SOUNDBITE 2: Kay Brooks, Smoking Cessation Expert: “I think the real issue behind this is that, its probably worth checking, is that the FDA has not approved e-cigarettes unless they’ve been therapeutically tested and evaluated for specific uses, therapeutic uses.”

REPORTER’S NARRATION: In April 2014, the FDA proposed a rule that would extend their authority to include e-cigarettes. This would require companies that manufacture e-cigarettes and liquids to register their products with the FDA and age restrictions could be put into place. The federal government does not yet regulate electronic cigarettes, therefore there are no FDA studies regarding their potential health risks.



Contact information

Interviewee 1: Vince Woods, General Manager of Vape Dynamiks,, (706) 521-5111, February 16th, 2015 at Vape Dynamiks

Interviewee 2:Kay Brooks, Public Service Assistant,, 706-542-5862,February 17th, 2015 at her office in the R.C. Williams Pharmacy Building



Federal Register: Proposed Rule: Deeming Tobacco Products to be Subject to the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act